
Sunday, August 31, 2003

Okay, that’s it. I’ve had enough. Put the cork in the bottle; the bar is closed.

Now I know that there’s been quite a bit of carping over the recent addition of “Allah’s” blogsite to the blogosphere, but really. When I read the e-mail sent to Charles at Little Green Footballs which asked “why this much hate?” I about choked.

For two years I’ve done the “I’ll be patient and await the True Muslims’ denunciation of the radicals” shuffle and, frankly, I don’t like the song anymore. Look, I’ve tried to be open-minded, looking for the best that the Religion of Peace™ had to offer. Since September, 2001 I’ve been offered Daniel Pearl, Bali, bus bombings and shit like this: (warning: graphic image with story).

What have we heard from the “moderate” Islamic community in the US? Nothing but simpering complaints about how unfairly Muslims are being treated by America, which is patently ridiculous… especially considering that we’re collectively bending over forward to ensure that 90-year-old grandmothers and 4-year-old boy scouts aren’t carrying bombs onto our airliners. While at the same time, just one half-hearted implication of a suggestion that we might, well, examine groups of Arab-looking men with one-way tickets (for example) and the lid comes right off.

Instead of making an effort to distinguish themselves from the Islam-o-fascists, the “moderates” have added themselves to the ever-lengthening list of aggrieved Victim© groups. Immediately after the attacks of 9/11 Muslims the world round certainly had center stage. We were listening. Some of us were practically begging the “moderates” to clearly define lines of demarcation between themselves that the simian cave dwellers who attacked us. But no, alas. They did not take the opportunity to separate themselves clearly, distinctly and loudly. Makes one wonder, though, doesn’t it?

Especially when we have educative counter-examples in our own recent history.

To wit: When the Japanese Empire attacked us, and we shuffled hundreds of thousands of US citizens into internment camps (which you would imagine could really piss them off), what was the response of those Americans of Japanese ancestry?

How about the 100th Infantry Battalion and the 442d Regimental Combat Team?

I mean, now really. Think about it. In those countries where Islamic Law prevails, how are women treated, for example? Doesn’t it stand to reason that a religion could be legitimately judged by what happens when its followers get their hands on the steering wheel of state power? I’m not going to list examples. I don’t want to sicken myself (again) with the research, and you already know what I’m talking about.

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Saturday, August 30, 2003

Okay, so I’ve been a pest to my online friends enough, getting political debates going in inappropriate environs and mixing it up (with a great deal of glee, mind you). So I’ve instituted this blog as a mental relief valve. If I read, hear or see something so freakin’ outrageous that I have to comment I’ll do so here first before deciding to take it to my other haunts.

Rule 1 of Digitus Impudicus: I will not commit blogging-while-intoxicated more than 75% of the time.

Rule 2 of Digitus Impudicus: I will only use foul language when the situation really merits (judgment call left to me).

Rule 3 of Digitus Impudicus: I will not restrict my rants to personal issues, but will also include reactions to world events, American politics, European politics, Asian politics, Middle-Eastern politics and Antarctican politics (where necessary… like when the French charge entry fees to the ostensibly apolitical continent).

Rule 4 of Digitus Impudicus: I may comment on other notable items (and include relevant links) as the need arises. Some of these may include science, pop-culture and sports.

Rule 5 of Digitus Impudicus: Everything I write will be either objectively true, or an honest opinion of mine. I will make no false pretenses and will strive to not misrepresent reality or my own thinking on it.

Corollary to Rule 5: If I don’t talk about it it’s either not important to me, or I don’t want to write about what I think on the issue.

Rule 6 of Digitus Impudicus: This will not be a daily blog. Well, at least hopefully. I mean that I hope I don’t get pissed off every day so that I’d have to blog about it.

Rule 7 of Digitus Impudicus: I reserve the right to revise and extend these rules (and their resultant blogs) as the need arises.

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