Friday, July 08, 2005
We're Comin' Fer Ya, Chris!
Heh. 420,000 signatures on the the Initiative 912 petitions (needed 225,000).
Woooooo hoooooo!!!
Chris!!? Can you hear us? Helloooooo? You know what's going to happen, right?
Say it with me, "bad gas tax go boom!"
I am going to sooo enjoy the crying and wailing! Schadenfreude-Ville, here I come!
(22) comments
Heh. 420,000 signatures on the the Initiative 912 petitions (needed 225,000).
Woooooo hoooooo!!!
Chris!!? Can you hear us? Helloooooo? You know what's going to happen, right?
Say it with me, "bad gas tax go boom!"
I am going to sooo enjoy the crying and wailing! Schadenfreude-Ville, here I come!
(22) comments