
Monday, December 15, 2003

Well, well, well. Lookie what Mike found on a Democrat message board.

Well, tha capture of Sadaam takes the 'failure to capture' issue off the table.

Now that the economy is picking up (mall was packed yesterday), Iraq is getting better, prescription drugs on the way, education spending at an all-time high, no further terrorist attacks--what is left?

Oh, yes, the capture of Bin Laden.

If that happens, we are completely sunk.

Posted by Erik Latranyi :: 12/14/03 08:57 AM

Somebody then responded to our clear-thinking Erik (hey, despite being an anti-American asshat, you can't argue with his dark logic).

Marsh - I do not believe one single US life was worth the capture of this guy. He did nothing to the US - and the Iraqi people have shown they would prefer to have him there, than to have US occupation for years to come.

Erik: I do not believe that the capture of Bin Laden will sink us. Bush has cooked his own goose with Economy, Deficit, Corporate deals, Education cut-backs, etc.

Posted by Pam Bergren :: 12/14/03 09:01 AM

Gawd. Where do I start? "He did nothing to the US" Hmm... How about this? Or, more importantly, this?

"and the Iraqi people have shown they would prefer to have him there, than to have US occupation for years to come." Uh, I don't mean to interrupt her asinine LSD-like roiled delusion, but I think I remember seeing a poll taken in Iraq that shows just the frickin' opposite. But hey, what's reality got to do with it?

Bush "cooked his own goose" with the Economy? Oh really?. Heh heh. You know, they should at least try to make this difficult to counter, much less make fun of.
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