
Saturday, April 10, 2004

Ted Kennedy and His Shi’a Pets

Okay, to all you skeptics (i.e. cooler heads), punch holes in this syllogism:

It is the stated goal of al-Sadr, the youthful and brutal Shi’a leader behind much of the turmoil and bloodshed in Iraq this past week, to convince the American populace that we cannot win in Iraq and should leave. He wishes to defeat our troops in the field, preferably slaughtering as many as possible, by taking from them the one thing he really has any chance of affecting: The fighting will of the American people. He is, because of his actions, an enemy of the United States and is actively making war against us.

Senator Edward M. Kennedy is attempting to destroy the fighting will of the American people by lying, propagandizing, spreading sedition, and actively attempting to defame the American President and his motives. He hopes to so drain the American people’s will to fight that they will withdraw their support of the war and recall the troops. His goals, paired down to their essentials, differ not one iota from those of al-Sadr.

Therefore: Senator Edward M. Kennedy is, because of his willful and intentional actions, an enemy of the United States and is actively making war against us.

Go ahead: take a crack at the above. Prove me wrong. Is my conclusion faulty? Is my major premise incorrect? How do you get around my minor premise? Are the facts I stated somehow not facts?

Extra Credit: Can you come up with other names for the person described in the minor premise? (Hint: James Earl Car...)

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