
Friday, June 04, 2004

Getting Ready

Okay, kids, we're getting close. Major Operations have been over for a while. Soon we'll be handing sovereignty back to the locals.

Just as promised.

Obviously this isn't the end. We'll still be there for a while yet. And things will still continue to happen. Remember: there's nothing higher on the terrorist's To-Do list than squelching democracy in Iraq. They know what those of us on the right know: Iraq will be a watershed event. If Iraq succeeds in forming a civil democracy then it spells the beginning of the end for the Wahabi wet dream of Pan-Arabia, Sharia law, stoning women, and Allah-fucking-Akbar.

But, despite that, things are wrapping up. We'll still have unanswered questions (Where the hell are those stockpiles of WMDs?). But the handover will happen.

Things are already calming down there. Have you noticed? Al-Sadr is on the run, his efforts dismissed and distained by Sistani. Fallujah is far quieter of late.

Since we'll be there for an extended period it doesn't make sense to wait until we leave before doing the long-awaited wrap up analysis. That will be forthcoming soon. Lots of research to do on that (what was it that Algore said before the war? Ohhhhh!).

Then the domestic political implications. Those dumb-arsed Dems really made a mistake by shooting too early on this. As the months go on before the election they won't have the drumbeat of American deaths (which they so dearly love) to assist them in propagandizing against Bush, against our country.

And I have to admit: I just love George W. Bush. He's a brilliant political tactician. Amazing, really. By closing down the issue of Iraq he's, yet again, pulling the rug out from under his opponents. Stealing the issue right away. And those morons on the far left don't even see it coming. That is something that I'll never understand.

I think they believe their own ranting about how stupid Bush is. Can they really be that dim? It's like George is doing the ol' rope-a-dope to them, keeping them focused on one thing while distracting them from what's going to smack them in the head three seconds later.

Prediction: I would not be at all surprised if GWB comes up with Osama bin-Ladin or WMDs or Mullah Ohmar, or all three before Election Day.

Even if not, there will be something. We just get to sit back and wait for the punches to be landed. Oh, and we also get to listen to the Dems scream in fury. Heh heh. That is going to be fun.

Also, on the day after the election, I am personally looking forward to listening to NPR. "What!!???" Yes, I remember listening to NPR after the Nicaraguan elections back in the 80's when Violetta Chamorro was elected. Now that was fun. Against all the predictions of the NPR leftists, pining away endlessly for Daniel Ortega, the Sandinistas lost. And NPR erupted with screeches of pain that would make Howard Dean sound positively sedated by comparison.

So, on the day after the election I will be listening to NPR. Sadistic? Yep. I'm a very bad man (heh heh heh).
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