Friday, July 02, 2004
Are You Sweating Yet?
I’m not trying to be mean.
Well, maybe a little.
Okay. I’m being a downright bastard. But, in all fairness, you ought to see me on November 3rd.
But really, things are most definitely not going well for your side of the political divide.
Mike Moore has played you all for fools, a fact that is increasingly becoming apparent, as evidenced by liberal commentators and columnists slapping him around like a pimp does a two-dollar whore. If you stood and applauded at the end of Fahrenheit 9-11, thinking you’d heard the Truth, then learned afterwards you’d been played: I guess I have some sympathy for you. Getting taken advantage of so blatantly, and so dismissively, has got to hurt.
If you were counting on weapons of mass-destruction not being found in Iraq, and stood on that point, calling it a Bush Lie, then I do have some sympathy for you. Smashing your nose into the brick-wall of reality, considering the increasing reports of WMDs being found, is not fun.
And talk about “undisclosed locations,” where the hell is Senator Kerry these days? Is he in hiding? And Rove hasn’t even begun his knife-work yet. How the heck did it seem like a good idea to have yet another Massachusetts liberal as your nominee? That must have been some bash. But, when you have Ted Kennedy pouring the drinks, things are bound to get a little bit wild.
Question: How many sitting senators have been elected president?
Answer? 2
And if you were expecting Iraq to be Exxon East, a colony of America’s Corporate Conspiracy, then what are you to make of the handover of power? Is the new Iraqi government just a puppet of US policy? Well, please explain to me why the UN, which you love and trust so well, just welcomed that very same Iraqi government back into the fold?
If you’re secretly hoping in your heart that the new Iraqi government will fall to the “militants” and “Minutemen,” then I have no sympathy for you whatsoever. You’re putting politics over ethics; willing to sacrifice thousands of Iraqi women to the same kind of treatment they received at the hands of the Taliban.
Shame. And more shame.
But I understand your frustration. You see this cocky, chicken-walking president trouncing you at every turn. He’s a Texas cowboy. An intellectual lightweight. An inarticulate bumbler. And he still persists in duping and outmaneuvering you.
That would make me a little crazy. I felt the mere taint of that during President Clinton’s tenure. So I know how it feels.
So, I just need to ask: do you see it coming? Are you sweating yet?
I’m not trying to be mean.
Well, maybe a little.
Okay. I’m being a downright bastard. But, in all fairness, you ought to see me on November 3rd.
But really, things are most definitely not going well for your side of the political divide.
Mike Moore has played you all for fools, a fact that is increasingly becoming apparent, as evidenced by liberal commentators and columnists slapping him around like a pimp does a two-dollar whore. If you stood and applauded at the end of Fahrenheit 9-11, thinking you’d heard the Truth, then learned afterwards you’d been played: I guess I have some sympathy for you. Getting taken advantage of so blatantly, and so dismissively, has got to hurt.
If you were counting on weapons of mass-destruction not being found in Iraq, and stood on that point, calling it a Bush Lie, then I do have some sympathy for you. Smashing your nose into the brick-wall of reality, considering the increasing reports of WMDs being found, is not fun.
And talk about “undisclosed locations,” where the hell is Senator Kerry these days? Is he in hiding? And Rove hasn’t even begun his knife-work yet. How the heck did it seem like a good idea to have yet another Massachusetts liberal as your nominee? That must have been some bash. But, when you have Ted Kennedy pouring the drinks, things are bound to get a little bit wild.
Question: How many sitting senators have been elected president?
Answer? 2
And if you were expecting Iraq to be Exxon East, a colony of America’s Corporate Conspiracy, then what are you to make of the handover of power? Is the new Iraqi government just a puppet of US policy? Well, please explain to me why the UN, which you love and trust so well, just welcomed that very same Iraqi government back into the fold?
If you’re secretly hoping in your heart that the new Iraqi government will fall to the “militants” and “Minutemen,” then I have no sympathy for you whatsoever. You’re putting politics over ethics; willing to sacrifice thousands of Iraqi women to the same kind of treatment they received at the hands of the Taliban.
Shame. And more shame.
But I understand your frustration. You see this cocky, chicken-walking president trouncing you at every turn. He’s a Texas cowboy. An intellectual lightweight. An inarticulate bumbler. And he still persists in duping and outmaneuvering you.
That would make me a little crazy. I felt the mere taint of that during President Clinton’s tenure. So I know how it feels.
So, I just need to ask: do you see it coming? Are you sweating yet?
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