
Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Bill Virgin: Conservative Insurgent

In what has got to be one of the most amazing spectacles in recent Seattle history, Bill Virgin (pronounced with a soft g), the Seattle Post-Intelligencer’s Business Editor has a column today that takes a swipe at the bias of the Seattle PI, in the Seattle PI.

The PI is a rag, a leftist talking-points memo. But here, let’s let Bill say what he thinks (this is his opening paragraph):
Given the verbiage contained in this daily fish wrap celebrating John Kerry and wailing what a threat to the planet George W. Bush constitutes, I suppose it is time for someone to sluice out the Augean stables of accumulated political nonsense.
BAM! Sweet sufferin’ Jezebel. You read that right, “daily fish wrap”. That’s going to make those Tully’s-swilling Seattleites blast right out of their Birkenstocks.

Want more? Okay:
Somebody needs to help back up on the turnip truck those who not only fell off yesterday but, having done so, proceeded to purchase (at full retail) every vial of snake oil being peddled by the Kerryites, and explain why the president should be re-elected.

That person would be me.
And more:
The Kerryites and others with limited mental dexterity have a hard time distinguishing between the words "safe" and "safer." Did booting the Taliban from Afghanistan, forcing Saddam to live like a dissolute hobbit and putting al-Qaida on the run make the world "safe"? Of course not. The world wasn't "safe" then, isn't "safe" now, never will be "safe."

But did taking those actions make the world safer, and better, not just for Americans but for those nations that aspire to some degree of freedom and tranquility? Absolutely. Deposing Saddam deprived global terrorism of one place in which to set up an operating base and one more sponsor (and yes, Saddam was working on more nasty weapons to supplement those he hid or shipped to Syria, and he was definitely working on being al-Qaida's new best friend).

It also sent to the rest of the world a message of American resoluteness, that it would not cower at home in anticipation of the next attack. Compare that with the Kerry approach, which appears to be a mixture of obsequiousness and forelock tugging before the corrupt and venal United Nations.

Good job, Bill. And in return, here’s a useful link: http://pugetsoundhelpwanted.com

HE double toothpicks! I was suprised that this column even got printed. To stick to Kerry in a Seattle Paper no less. There has got to be some high power lawyers, who force feed this down their throats. I mean this not the Socalist Republic of Washington for nothing. While liberals nation wide like to think they are the real thing. This is Mecca for most liberals.
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