Friday, March 11, 2005
E-Mail Exchange O’ The Day
This started yesterday via e-mail. First shot was by a good, long-time friend of mine. Since he’s requested anonymity we can call him Witch Doctor (come on, my friend, think about it).
Opening e-mail was a Redneck joke. I’d reprint it, but even this blog has standards, heh heh.
DigiBlog Replies:
Heh heh. It's nice to see that a good lib feels comfortable making fun of somebody. That means there's still hope. :D
Witch Doctor:
Hey, I make fun of George "double-ya" all the time, he gives us "good libs" all kinds of material to work with on a daily basis (illiterates in office are good for that kind of stuff, now that we finally have one to prove it). Speaking of material to work with... What's Napoleon BonerBush gonna do in Lebanon now that he told Syria to pull out, and the Shiite majority/parliament put them back into place... When do we invade? Can't have a bunch of muslims choosing their own government if it doesn't fit the Bush War of Liberty POA, can we now... that wouldn't be very democratic... uh... well then again... by golly, I think it is!!!! How dare they choose the Syrians! Lets go kill em all, I'm sure they have WMD's or need a regime change or something to justify it... those Lebanese folks must be "Mis-Informed".. you guys better go straighten em out with the 3rd infantry division... I tell ya, he's a true statesman there bro... Was it "Lebo-lebalon" when he threatened the Syrians? (probably some good ratings for your blog if you wanna post it, no names/addresses allowed though..) I'd hate to see "Krystalnacht" brought back as an opposition handling method... considering I don't wear a brown shirt... :-0
Heh heh. Jesus. You really believe what you wrote re Lebanon and Syria? Talk about out of the mainstream. Wow!
So, educate me, my friend. Exactly how was the Lebanese "Parliament" put together? (I really need to find a good eye-rolling smiley for times like these!). It's almost (yes: almost) amusing to see that the only time libs
support the decisions of (what they call) the "people" is when those decisions are hostile to the interests of the US. But, hey, at least there's consistency. Right?
"(probably some good ratings for your blog if you wanna post it, no names/addresses allowed though..)" - Is this a general permission as long as I keep to the anonymity provisions? (please please please!!!). Note: all individuals who I take out after have the benefit of my "equal time" policy. It's only fair.
Witch Doctor
there you go again... "You really believe what you wrote re Lebanon and Syria?" - answer - Huh?
I guess the 400,000 people in the streets for/and the reinstatement of the Syrian backed PM is just more mainstream Mis-information and propaganda? I didn't say anything except (to paraphrase) it looks like the largermajority in Lebanon says bring back the syrian backed PM... that's all... not sure what else I wrote that I "believe about Syria and Lebanon..." Per you Right wing nuts own rehtoric, George wins an election, in a squeaker, half the country does not support him, and it's a "we win, you lose" and he has his this "political principle" to spend situation... (whatever the hell that means). Maybe more secret energy meetings in the whitehouse, that even YOU don't have a clue what went on... I did notice, within two years of that meeting, the four major energy companie's (two in texas) gained profits in the 500% to 650% range while purposely imposed 'shortages" drove up the costs to the point people experienced power outages... talk about holding a country hostage... good grief....
In Lebanon, based on the information provided by the "World Press" (sorry, not FOX news, no right wing spin to those films that I saw), 500,000 people have protested in the last few days... 80% of the people on the streets support the syrian backed PM (400,000/500,000), 20% back their removal (100,000/500,000)... I do believe, until the election results in April (isn't that the deadline "W" gave the Syrians before we do... what? Invade? bomb? just what is the deadline for?). One can safely say, based on the current numbers, it looks like the majority of Lebanese support the syrian backed PM, that's all... I hope it's a great anti-Syrian victory in the election, I'm all for the Syrians pulling out, it would be a great day... When the "Boy who would be King" from Texas, in his exhuberence to claim victory (as he always does... was it "mission accomplished in a fighter pilot uniform" on the deck of a Carrier?), goes out and threatens the Syrians to remove their troops, and 75% of the people in the streets say no.. pure statesman stupidity, that's all... (there is a HUGE difference between a threat and diplomacy, I wish George W could figure that out, he's so embarassing for many of us true patriots who still believe in Allies and diplomacy and olive branches before arrows)
OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...!!! Now I get it, the parliament was put there by some other method than a Bush/Republican approved method, so it's fair game to invade... they aren't legitimate anyway... it's just another "the ends justifies the means' situation, like going from WMD, to Regime Change, to Democracy in Iraq... whatever it takes to justify an action. Question: If your right wing foreign policy means that US specified "fake" or "illegite" parliaments don't count, why didn't Bush Sr finish off Sadam in the first Bush/UN war... did you see how Sadam picked his parliament (I think it was the ol' take em out back and shoot em in the head process, wasn't it)? Yet Rummy and Reagan kissed his A$$ until they created a monster, weren't they trading weapons to terrorists at that time to fight a war in central america. (continued more A$$ kissing as long as he was against the Iranians), THEN, after Sadam actually invades a neighboring nation (Kuwait in case you forgot), George Bush Sr decided the UN was in charge of that war (What percentage of American troops made up the Coalition force?), and decided to stop instead of going to Baghdad when it would have taken 24 hours longer (he didn't listen to his Generals - Schwarzkopf and staff), Bush Sr BOWED DOWN to Kofi Anon and the U.N will.... now that's turning our national security over to the UN my friend... plain and simple... let's see, not listening to his Generals... HEY, like father like son!!!!
Didn't Bush Sr then let Sadam fly his gunships in a U.S. controlled No Fly zone to kill Shiite protesters by the thousands, when we told them to rise up and protest, but then Bush Sr decided to pull a bay of pigs on em.... hmmmmmmm.... I give up, you guys have foreign policy all figured out. It's easier to spin than to explain? You want to talk about how they selected/appointed their parliament instead of agreeing what a diplomatic bonehead statement that was... amazing... you guys protect him at all costs... WHY? Do you really believe he is that perfect? WAKE UP DUDE! You can be a republican and still admit he's a bonehead... really, it's okay. "Is this a general permission as long as I keep to the anonymity provisions?" - SURE.... BUT ONLY AS LONG AS YOU KEEP IT ANONYMOUS, OH, and on one condition... I'll turn a few heavy hitters from the left on to your site so they can enjoy taking you out once they get a chance to see your comments for themselves... deal? (fair warning, these are professionals who enjoy feeding right wingers their words on platters...) Heck, it might do wonders for your ratings... if you can hang that is...
Muahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
Now, I ran out of time so I couldn’t respond to this last properly. I will do so here. I'll either follow this up with another post or edit my response into this one, so use your "Refresh" button if you want to check for changes/updates.
This started yesterday via e-mail. First shot was by a good, long-time friend of mine. Since he’s requested anonymity we can call him Witch Doctor (come on, my friend, think about it).
Opening e-mail was a Redneck joke. I’d reprint it, but even this blog has standards, heh heh.
DigiBlog Replies:
Heh heh. It's nice to see that a good lib feels comfortable making fun of somebody. That means there's still hope. :D
Witch Doctor:
Hey, I make fun of George "double-ya" all the time, he gives us "good libs" all kinds of material to work with on a daily basis (illiterates in office are good for that kind of stuff, now that we finally have one to prove it). Speaking of material to work with... What's Napoleon BonerBush gonna do in Lebanon now that he told Syria to pull out, and the Shiite majority/parliament put them back into place... When do we invade? Can't have a bunch of muslims choosing their own government if it doesn't fit the Bush War of Liberty POA, can we now... that wouldn't be very democratic... uh... well then again... by golly, I think it is!!!! How dare they choose the Syrians! Lets go kill em all, I'm sure they have WMD's or need a regime change or something to justify it... those Lebanese folks must be "Mis-Informed".. you guys better go straighten em out with the 3rd infantry division... I tell ya, he's a true statesman there bro... Was it "Lebo-lebalon" when he threatened the Syrians? (probably some good ratings for your blog if you wanna post it, no names/addresses allowed though..) I'd hate to see "Krystalnacht" brought back as an opposition handling method... considering I don't wear a brown shirt... :-0
Heh heh. Jesus. You really believe what you wrote re Lebanon and Syria? Talk about out of the mainstream. Wow!
So, educate me, my friend. Exactly how was the Lebanese "Parliament" put together? (I really need to find a good eye-rolling smiley for times like these!). It's almost (yes: almost) amusing to see that the only time libs
support the decisions of (what they call) the "people" is when those decisions are hostile to the interests of the US. But, hey, at least there's consistency. Right?
"(probably some good ratings for your blog if you wanna post it, no names/addresses allowed though..)" - Is this a general permission as long as I keep to the anonymity provisions? (please please please!!!). Note: all individuals who I take out after have the benefit of my "equal time" policy. It's only fair.
Witch Doctor
there you go again... "You really believe what you wrote re Lebanon and Syria?" - answer - Huh?
I guess the 400,000 people in the streets for/and the reinstatement of the Syrian backed PM is just more mainstream Mis-information and propaganda? I didn't say anything except (to paraphrase) it looks like the largermajority in Lebanon says bring back the syrian backed PM... that's all... not sure what else I wrote that I "believe about Syria and Lebanon..." Per you Right wing nuts own rehtoric, George wins an election, in a squeaker, half the country does not support him, and it's a "we win, you lose" and he has his this "political principle" to spend situation... (whatever the hell that means). Maybe more secret energy meetings in the whitehouse, that even YOU don't have a clue what went on... I did notice, within two years of that meeting, the four major energy companie's (two in texas) gained profits in the 500% to 650% range while purposely imposed 'shortages" drove up the costs to the point people experienced power outages... talk about holding a country hostage... good grief....
In Lebanon, based on the information provided by the "World Press" (sorry, not FOX news, no right wing spin to those films that I saw), 500,000 people have protested in the last few days... 80% of the people on the streets support the syrian backed PM (400,000/500,000), 20% back their removal (100,000/500,000)... I do believe, until the election results in April (isn't that the deadline "W" gave the Syrians before we do... what? Invade? bomb? just what is the deadline for?). One can safely say, based on the current numbers, it looks like the majority of Lebanese support the syrian backed PM, that's all... I hope it's a great anti-Syrian victory in the election, I'm all for the Syrians pulling out, it would be a great day... When the "Boy who would be King" from Texas, in his exhuberence to claim victory (as he always does... was it "mission accomplished in a fighter pilot uniform" on the deck of a Carrier?), goes out and threatens the Syrians to remove their troops, and 75% of the people in the streets say no.. pure statesman stupidity, that's all... (there is a HUGE difference between a threat and diplomacy, I wish George W could figure that out, he's so embarassing for many of us true patriots who still believe in Allies and diplomacy and olive branches before arrows)
OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...!!! Now I get it, the parliament was put there by some other method than a Bush/Republican approved method, so it's fair game to invade... they aren't legitimate anyway... it's just another "the ends justifies the means' situation, like going from WMD, to Regime Change, to Democracy in Iraq... whatever it takes to justify an action. Question: If your right wing foreign policy means that US specified "fake" or "illegite" parliaments don't count, why didn't Bush Sr finish off Sadam in the first Bush/UN war... did you see how Sadam picked his parliament (I think it was the ol' take em out back and shoot em in the head process, wasn't it)? Yet Rummy and Reagan kissed his A$$ until they created a monster, weren't they trading weapons to terrorists at that time to fight a war in central america. (continued more A$$ kissing as long as he was against the Iranians), THEN, after Sadam actually invades a neighboring nation (Kuwait in case you forgot), George Bush Sr decided the UN was in charge of that war (What percentage of American troops made up the Coalition force?), and decided to stop instead of going to Baghdad when it would have taken 24 hours longer (he didn't listen to his Generals - Schwarzkopf and staff), Bush Sr BOWED DOWN to Kofi Anon and the U.N will.... now that's turning our national security over to the UN my friend... plain and simple... let's see, not listening to his Generals... HEY, like father like son!!!!
Didn't Bush Sr then let Sadam fly his gunships in a U.S. controlled No Fly zone to kill Shiite protesters by the thousands, when we told them to rise up and protest, but then Bush Sr decided to pull a bay of pigs on em.... hmmmmmmm.... I give up, you guys have foreign policy all figured out. It's easier to spin than to explain? You want to talk about how they selected/appointed their parliament instead of agreeing what a diplomatic bonehead statement that was... amazing... you guys protect him at all costs... WHY? Do you really believe he is that perfect? WAKE UP DUDE! You can be a republican and still admit he's a bonehead... really, it's okay. "Is this a general permission as long as I keep to the anonymity provisions?" - SURE.... BUT ONLY AS LONG AS YOU KEEP IT ANONYMOUS, OH, and on one condition... I'll turn a few heavy hitters from the left on to your site so they can enjoy taking you out once they get a chance to see your comments for themselves... deal? (fair warning, these are professionals who enjoy feeding right wingers their words on platters...) Heck, it might do wonders for your ratings... if you can hang that is...
Muahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
Now, I ran out of time so I couldn’t respond to this last properly. I will do so here. I'll either follow this up with another post or edit my response into this one, so use your "Refresh" button if you want to check for changes/updates.
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