
Saturday, March 19, 2005

Fessing Up

I'll admit it, okay? I started my most recent exchange with Witch Doctor on purpose. I secretly bet myself that it would only take me one single sentence to get him to open fire. As it turned out, the single sentence referenced something he hadn't heard about.


I had seen, the night before, Senators Kennedy, Clinton, Boxer, Byrd, et al lined up behind the MoveOn.org banner, energetically defending The Faith and excoriating Bush and the Reps for destroying Democracy, burning down the Senate building and eating live human babies. Or something like that. Whatever. Evil Deeds aplenty.

So my intent was to engage our good friend Witch Doctor and maybe poke a little fun at him for his leaders' bemusing willingness to be so openly associated with an organization that ran an advertisement comparing Bush with Hitler. As if that kind of rampant ass-hattery did their side any good.

So I was a bit disappointed that he didn't immediately flamethrow me.

Nevertheless, true to form, Witch Doctor eventually got up to speed and flamed away. Here, take a look: (e-mail exchange follows)

DigiBlog: I saw that MoveOn.org/DNC orgy last night, and I was thinking, "good stuff." :D

WD: Wow.... was that on the Sex channel? I didn't see or hear anything... good stuff... eh?

DigiBlog: Several Senate Dem leaders having a rally hosted by MOO (heh) to complain about the Reps potentially preventing filibusters for judicial nominee votes. Lots of accusations, lots of raised voices. Reminded me of the Wellstone "funeral" back in '02. I was surprised to see Senator Clinton there, though. She'd been tacking to the right for the last several months.

WD: Well, I'm glad to see that democrats at least have the brains to discuss, argue and come to some consensus.... unlike the republicans who just do what Der Fuhrer instructs them to...

Ah.... at least one of the parties, (starts with D) still believes in true democracy and not a republic... HEY, isn't that why you're called REPUBLICANS and they are DEMOCRATS? Root words - Republic and Democracy... I never thought you'd turn your back on true democracy

Remember.... once George finishes screwing the country while you guys BLINDLY follow orders, the back lash will be fun to watch... and if you really truly think your party will not see it and run the country from now on... just take a look at american history my friend.... :-) Why didn't you guys talk about the issues your pushing now, during the election? hmmmm... might not have won maybe? (it is only about winning, not being truthful) Just where is Arnold and the other moderate republicans you guys paraded at your convention so George could be re-elected, why don't they get cabinet posts? Was it truly smoke and mirrors for the moderate fence sitters? You guys crack me up... you run on non critical issues (gay rights and Kerry's viet nam service, you put moderates on TV like your leadership is anything close to moderate, then you put them back in the closet when you win, and bring out the issues that smell (actually stink) of Fundamentalist Amerika....

Ronald Reagan is probably rolling over in his grave every day watching you guys... and the modern republicans try to say they still carry his banner... pretty sad.

DigiBlog: Heh heh. I love this. I've got a few minutes of lunch left so I'll start now and finish you-know-where, WD.

Do you really think wacko-leftist propaganda and hyperbole will win you the hearts and minds of the American people? Comparisons between GWB and Hitler are not going to endear you to the common citizen, who generally has a favorable opinion of GWB as a person, and have just voted for his policies. But then again, a healthy respect for the intellectual ability of the American public has never been you guys' strong point, has it? Whenever they vote against you it's always because they've been duped, or lack sophistication, aren't paying attention, or are just plain unenlightened. Same shtick, different decade.

I'm assuming one of GWB's policies you're referring to is the issue of the Dems filibustering judicial nominees. I don't know why this is a surprise to you (unless it's due to the long-time practice of Dems to "discuss, argue and come to consensus" only amongst themselves - not with the rest of us), but this issue was one of the primary domestic issues GWB ran on. I knew this, the talking heads knew this, the Dem leaders knew this (and argued against it), and a sizable chunk of the public knew this. This is no surprise.

You seem to proceed from a perspective that the general public is moderate. I'd have to disagree. Though a broad range is covered, of course, it works out (based on the election results of last year) that the public nets out fairly conservative. Take, for example, the 11 states that changed their constitution to solidify the definition of marriage as one man and one woman. Even Oregon (!!!) voted for this. That is not a classically "moderate" point of view. It's conservative.

And as to the "where is Arnie" question: last time I checked he was the Governor of California, not exactly a political closet. Rudy is still going around the country giving speeches. And you make it sound as if the Rep party is somehow abusing and using these moderates by having them appear for stump speeches and the convention. What, did the Reps kidnap these moderates and force them to speak?

No, these moderates, for whom you feign such sincere respect, chose on their own to support GWB's bid to be re-elected. They knew his policies and his proposals. They knew what they were doing when they stumped for him. So if you respect them so much then you may want to consider some respect for their ability to make up their own mind, and choose between the two parties. Unless, of course, they were duped as well. You can't have it both ways. If you admire these moderates then you're just going to have to deal with the fact that they chose the Rep party of their own free will, and did not associate themselves either with the Dem party or the Left in this country.

Ask yourself this question: Given the choice between the Rep party and the Dem party, with which did these vaunted moderates side? Why?
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