
Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Iraq Votes (and you f*ckers who opposed the war Lost)

Warning: High Passion and Foul Language Alert

Reaction 10-15-2005

Try as you might, despite your predictions of failure, regardless of your self-serving prognostications of disaster, and in the face of your hopeful anticipation of quagmire for the people of Iraq, they voted. 6100 Precincts have completed their work, and you will see the images on your TV.

And through the propaganda, and through the bullshit propagated by the mainstream media, this new nation, a free Iraq will emerge. You hoped against it because you thought it would add to Bush’s glory. You hoped for the condemnation of millions of Arabs to strife and Sharia Law in order to support your political ideology. But it just isn’t going to happen that way.

Too f*cking bad for you. You lose.

I expect a VERY quiet response to this post because I anticipate that you can’t and won’t own up to why you wished so much for this project to fail. You wanted it to fail because you thought it might add to Bush’s fame. You hate him so much you’d be willing to see thousands and millions entombed in an anachronistic system of rule, and women treated as chattel, so long as the hated Bush is denied victory.

As I had promised long ago, before this all started, I would shove this in your face when it worked. We are now coming close to this time, and I will be shoving. Without mercy or compassion.

I’ll leave it to others to forgive you, or give you a way out of your perfidy. My attitude is: f*ck the lot of you.


Reaction 10-16-2005

That’s it, goddamnit. This morning I watched both Congressman Bill Pascrell (D, NJ) on FOX, and Senator Carl Levin (D, HELL) on NBC’s Meet the Press, downtalking the elections in Iraq as basically meaningless. They pointed out every problem, Pascrell saying (amazingly) that unless our troops could come home tomorrow then nothing really has gotten better over there. Levin went “blah, blah, blah,” reading off his pro-terrorist Cliffs Notes sheet.

F*ck them both. And f*ck the Democratic Party.

I won’t even raise my view of them to call them nitwits. They’re terrorist sympathizers. Nothing less. And certainly nothing more. Add to that Senator Richard (D*ckhead) Durbin’s accusation that our troops are the equivalent of Nazis, Gulag guards, and Pol Pot’s massacring medieval murderers, and I’ve done with the whole f*cking lot of the Democrats. Screw ‘em all to hell and back again.

And you know what else? (Oh yes, this gets even better) YOU Democrat rank-and-file people better start kicking ass and taking names about your leaders, or very soon you’ll start being seen just like they are beginning to be seen. As Traitors. I’m getting damn tired of pointless and whiney excuses about how “oh, that’s guy’s just an exception, he really doesn’t represent us.”

Bullshit. You elected them. And You are responsible for them. Deal.

Your party is well and truly f*cked up. Fix it, or deal with the fact that every Red-Stater in this country is going to gleefully pee in your cornflakes every morning for the rest of your lives.

Want more? Here it comes.

For the first time since six months after the Tiananmen Square atrocity, back in 1989, I will now re-associate myself with the Republican Party. I Am A Republican as of 10:38AM, October 16th, 2005.

Sometimes you just have to take sides. And since this morning when I watched two elected Democrat leaders (and recalled the recent actions of others) completely dis-f*cking-miss the valiant sacrifice of almost two thousand American volunteer heroes as useless and inconsequential, or even worse, I’ve had enough. The Democratic Party of the United States of America is an anti-American organization bent on the defeat of America at home and abroad if that end is necessary to accomplish it’s domestic political ends.

That being the case, I have no choice but to declare the Democratic Party my personal political enemy, and must join forces with those directly in a position to defeat them at every level and on every issue: the Republican Party.

So take Cindy Sheehan, Michael Moore, Alec Baldwin, Norman Lear, Dick “Turban,” Edward Kennedy, and all the rest, and cram them straight up your ass. Because the next thing to follow is your unceasing string of political defeats.

Complements of yours truly.

Suck on it. Bitch.

(taken from personal diary on dates cited)
So, this thing is "coming to a close"? I'm glad to hear it's all coming together. Condoleeza Rice said the other day we could have troops there for up to ten more years. If you are happy with the situation over there, I am glad for you I guess, but most Americans are not able at this point to join you in experiencing the joy.
You don't sound particularly rational in your last post there. Perhaps you have spun some bearings in the windmills of your mind. JB
And to all Democrats, who's ability to look at anything in a historical perspective is tainted by their views that unless it is has happened in their lifetime or directly to them; it has never been done before.

So Condi says, "we stay in Iraq up to ten more years".

Duh, lets see "occupying" US Forces after WWII.

The US provided ALL the military forces for Japan until 1954, when the Japan Self-Defense Force was created, 9 years. First new ship (a destroyer) was commissioned in 1956.

And lets not forget the post WWII occupation of Germany by the US, France, Britian and Russia until 1989.

So JB, Ken is right. The elections happened and there was not wide spread violence or civil unrest.

The Iraqi people have choosen to take the road to build a Democratic Republic, like ours. This will take time and they will have their setbacks.

And the point, Iraq is not perfect because our troops will need to stay, in your and the Democrat's view. That is only true, if you refuse to learn from history.

Actually, Iraq is following road, that other nations have succesfully taken, to the transition from a Militant/aggressive nation to becoming a Democratic Republic.
Brent Scowcroft sees this whole matter very much as I do. Stand by for his next article. JB
“You don't sound particularly rational in your last post there. Perhaps you have spun some bearings in the windmills of your mind.”

Sometimes people have an epiphany. That’s what it felt like on that Sunday morning. The contrast between what had just happened in Iraq, and how the Democrats were down-talking it the very next day crystallized my thinking: “these people really *do* want us to fail there!” My real-time outrage, as recorded in that second excerpt, was me finally being willing to connect dots that have been sitting right in front of me for a very long time. Maybe I didn’t want to see it, or was suspicious or it for a long time and just didn’t want to *say* it.

Even if I were fool enough to continue to believe that your political party only wanted the best for this country, the best interpretation of that party’s recent actions (and some very significant actions over the last several decades) would be that your party is so astonishingly naïve and dangerously foolish that it should never be entrusted with the foreign policy of this country for a very long time to come. If there was a group of people who had such a clear record of being so dangerously *wrong* about driving automobiles, that track record would advise we adults to keep them safely away from go-carts, much less the 18-wheeler that is US foreign policy.

So, it’s either fecklessness or foolishness. I used to think the latter, at times. Now I believe it to be the former. No large group of politically savvy people could be so totally and unknowingly dumb as the modern Democratic Party. So, crediting that Party with the intelligence they so obviously want to be credited with, what other explanation presents itself?

Ahh, good old Brent. I’m not surprised at his attitude. He’s been against the war from the start. And his comments (assuming what I heard this weekend was accurate) track well with his history since the GHWB administration. In fact, it was Brent and his boss who were the reasons I left the Republican Party in the first place. He represents the Real Politik method of foreign policy – the old “he may be a bastard, but he’s *our* bastard” mentality that had been responsible for causing so many of our foreign policy disasters in the past.

Remember I mentioned when I left the Party? The reason I did was because I saw a video tape of Brent toasting one of the Chinese leaders responsible for the Massacre, only months after, promising to not let those (like me), who would wish to stand between the US government and the Chinese butchers, interrupting the good relations between our governments. So, don’t expect me to be very impressed with whatever Brent has to say. He brought fecklessness to a level of fine art.
The old Reagan/GHWB practice of "engagement" with China always had struck me a little bit odd. The same practice wouldn't work with Cuba if it is a good policy? Bush's wink and nod while giving speeches in this country would be about the same thing GWB actions would be after Wong Wei clipped out electronic surveillance plane and causing it's emergency landing on Chinese soil. Rhetoric at home and back-channel negotiations in China through GHWB brother/GWB uncle who has been big in the US/China Chamber of Commerce for years. We now use China a source of cheap imported products that we no longer produce for ourselves and we borrow huge sums of money from them every year because our federal government seems to have no incentive whatsoever to balance it's budget. The republican party which is abusing it's power in all three branches of government is directly responsible for the fact that we are no longer in a position to exert pressure, economic or otherwise against countries you don't like because we are relying on them to keep our government running on red ink. Your republican heroes are responsible this situation. JB
So the Anti-912 people did what every school district in the state does for every levy. " The sky will fall and you will lose any beneit from your tax money if this fails!!!!!". This tactic only works, if the people see an improvement. If they do not, then the next 3 rounds of tax increases fail. So you won a round not the war. Bite this!
You whiney, cocksucking bitches that want free transportation because the state can't borrow money from China lost a round by the majority vote of rational people and you have a problem with it. You are sad and pathetic and once again, TOO STUPID TO ARGUE WITH. The people around you are well aware of this. They don't agree with you on much and their silence is due to the fact there is no purpose in arguing with misinformed, opinionated morons. You are incredibly naive if you are not aware of this fact. JB
Why you insist on pointing out exactly who and what you are by your posts continues to amaze me.

The people of Seattle have voted down the Monorail Project 3 times, after it was revealed that the project costs were going to almost triple. The increase due soley because of the way cost/debt was financed, not actual (material, labor)cost increases.

The only one who is " misinformed, opinionated moron" is you. I was correct in my assesment of the content of the anti-912 commercials. Which is why you went on a tirade instead of trying to refute me.

You should have tried to at least put up some fact that the those pro-gas taxes commercials were not the "sky is falling" type.

But you can't, since every one stated that the Viaduct,520 bridge, Hood Canal Bridge, or some other major construction project currently funded/working would not get completed.

Maybe you like being lied to, as long as it is your "friends" doing the lying.

Who's the moron?
You are the moron. Everyone you know is acutely aware of that. I've seen your "facts". Even your friend Kenny-boy won't back you up. You are a joke. You never came up with an alternate plan for paying for transportaion projects. You are stuck on the monorail issue, which is a King County thing for the most part anyway. That's your hang up. Get over it. JB

Had a little free time Mike. Remember when I told you that the MVET was going to fund transportation but never did because of I-695? Well, I couldn't remember at the time although I knew it happened. Well, I looked it up and sure enough, I WAS RIGHT of course. It was the 1998 Referendum 49 which was approved by 57% which allocated the MVET proceeds to pay for transportation bonds, y'know roads, ferry system etc. Before the bonds went on sale however, I-695 was looming during the 1999 election cycle and sales were suspended. After I-695 passed, the last serious effort to fund transportation projects was effectively defunded until the passage of last fall's gasoline tax. I'm still not sure why you were so hung up on the monorail at the exclusion of everything else, but that's the facts. And yes, I WAS there, I voted for R-49. Check it out, the information is available. JB
Is "assumption" your middle name?

First of all, The original MVET (Motor Vehicle Excise Tax) legislation was originally ONLY suppose to fund Transportation Projects (roads, bridges,etc).

This lasted about 5 years before it started to be syphoned in to the "General Fund". By 1998, about over 78% of the MVET was going into the "General Fund".

FYI : Yes, I also supported R-49. But thought it did not go far enough. For millions of MVET dollars would continue to go to non-transportation purposes.

Again I state, if Washington is going to build a Monorail then do it like any other large state transportaion project with proper oversight.
The original MVET was established in 1937 to support education. Do your research. JB
True but that MVET was 1% and was a property tax. Nice try. Interesting how you try and use historical points that you think support you and ignore all other aspects and applications of the law in history.

The MVET that brought on I-695 was started in the 1982 to present,with an additional SurTax and based on rates the state determined a vehicles value. Add to this that fact that the rates being charged climbed higher that the vehicles actual, MRSP values and inflation values. In fact, the depreciation rates were so out of whack that you paid the same amount for the first 5 years you owned that vehicle. Even though no one could ever sell the vehicle at the value.

Again, at various stages of this process Our Legistature had the opportunity to reign in their act and did not.

As I may have said in the past, you want to write the check for stupid decisions, go ahead. Don't expect me to follow suit.
In your earlier posts you insisted that the MVET "had never funded transportation". You seem to have changed your mind. Do you raise historical points that don't support you argument? Why should I?

And yes, the way vehicle values were assessed was totally out of whack. That should've been addressed years before I-695 ever happened. But, if you don't like the gas tax, you can always move to Alaska where transportation gets a killer boost from the federal government's deficit spending. Those small-government republicans know how to build bridges to nowhere. (Actually, that is going to make a handful of real estate investors insanely rich on our bill) JB
So, Kenny-boy, back to your original post: Are you busy at this moment driving your kids down the recruiting station so they can participate in the "noble effort" in Iraq to referee the impending civil war there? Given your rave reviews of the progress there in October, you should be thrilled to do so....or, are you and your whole flag-flapping family unwilling to either participate or admit you were wrong about this whole foolish venture to begin with? If you are unwilling to step up, YOU might be the traitor as you have been personally unwilling to contribute at all despite the stance you have taken where it has cost OTHER Americans dearly in life and treasure. SUCK ON THAT! JB
Dude, you're either asleep, or you are weak and stupid. I can't believe you don't have a response to my last remarks. Are you ashamed? You should be. It must be emabarrassing to be be part of the paltry 32% that approves of Bush and his nonsense. JB
Dude, you are AWOL, just like your hero. Where are you?
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