
Friday, December 29, 2006

New York Times: al-Jazeera on the Hudson

(scroll down for updates)

Not content with spilling secret information to our enemies, the New York Times now bemoans the execution of murderous former dictator Saddam Hussein. But even that’s not enough.

I guess they haven’t damaged the United States enough lately; so a little slander was in order.
What might have been a watershed now seems another lost opportunity. After nearly four years of war and thousands of American and Iraqi deaths, it is ever harder to be sure whether anything fundamental has changed for the better in Iraq.
(emphasis added)

Let’s compare and contrast, shall we?

This is Iraq with Saddam

This is Iraq without Saddam

So, again, the Left (in the guise of the New York Times) doesn't know a dictator they don't adore, a people who's suffering they can't overlook - as long as it suits their political ends, and a good American deed they can't scorn.

I think we've found Saddam's Weapon of Mass Destruction: Pinch Sulzberger.


Mike, over at Cold Fury expresses his condolences to the Moonbats.
Condolences to slackjawed drooling idiots like Michael Moore and other Western liberals, who continue to insist that Iraqis were better off back when the monster was feeding them into plastic shredders and gassing them to death with those nonexistent WMDs. I know how devastating this must be for you.

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