
Friday, December 29, 2006

Oops! FOX is reporting that this information (below) IS WRONG. Update later!

Fox is now reporting that Saddam has been handed over to the Iraqi government and that all the paperwork has been completed. According to an Iraqi MP, the execution will happen, "soon."

Saddam Handed Over To Iraqi Government

Until now, Saddam Hussein had been in US custody because there were worries that a breakout attempt would happen. Story here.

What this means, of course, is that time’s about up for the Dictator Formerly Known as the President of Iraq. When this mass murderer swings, and combining that with his two vile sons, I guess that makes a hat-trick, right?

When the news comes down I will have to make a point of tipping back a cold one. Yes, to celebrate.

My only question is, how many Leftists are going to weep openly over this? I mean, their poster child will no longer be a player.

Oh, and by the way, remember when those Saddam fans we have here in the US claimed we’d never get him? One more bad grade on their Prediction Report Card, I guess.
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