
Sunday, January 07, 2007

The Google Jihad

Improvised Explosive Device. (from Wikipedia) An improvised explosive device (IED) is the formal name for explosive devices, often used in unconventional warfare or asymmetrical warfare by guerrillas or commando forces in a theater of operations. In the 2003-present Iraq War, the insurgents have made the IED (often referred to by the press as roadside bombs) one of their main weapons against coalition forces.

As has been demonstrated recently by the US Military in Iraq, IED materials have been coming from Iran. As the linked story details, these are more sophisticated explosive devices than the ones crafted from recovered artillery shells and the like. These Iranian ones are manufactured in factories, and are designed to be armor piercing.

Why ABC calls the terrorizing, civilian-murdering, misogynistic Iraqitrash thugs the “Iraqi Militia” is just one of those things we’ll have to put into the database – including the fact that many of these baboons are not even Iraqis. Buy why mess up the Party line with trivialities like facts?

One thing that occasionally gets lost in all the shuffle is what those IEDs do. Sure, they blow up. But they serve double-duty. They also provide opportunities for morale-boosting videos. Kind of MTV-meets-Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. And, as has been the case in the West over the last few years, journalistic outlets of the MSM have been more than ready to help. In this instance, Google.com, the left-of-center search engine/mega Web enterprise, has the video linked-to below posted. (Hat tip: LGF)

Warning: Graphic Content (you have been warned)

There are so many things that could be said about this video, but I don’t want to get all tangled up in documenting the actions of our own Fifth Column to the exclusion of noting the much more important issue of the people we are fighting. I do strongly encourage you to view this video because it serves to remind us that these are not “minutemen” in the style of those who fought the American Revolutionary War – despite Michael Moore’s assertions to the contrary. And keep in mind that through each of the explosions shown, American young men – our brothers, sons, nephews and friends – are at the center of each blast. As you see the video you’ll realize that there’s not a lot of mystery about the results of these attacks.

So, the next time you hear or read some Leftist Jihadi-sympathizer whining about those poor “insurgents” or “freedom-fighters” over in Iraq, please keep in mind what you’re about to see. Enemy propaganda can serve the purposes of the enemy, but it can also help us focus our attention, and to cut through all the intentionally-misleading bullshit thrown at us by craven and surrender-seeking MSM outlets, Leftists and Left-wing Democrats.

This Video Brought to You From the Religion of Peace™

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