
Sunday, January 07, 2007

Oops. Got One Wrong

When I posted the "It's Lonely At The Bottom" piece about John Kerry in Baghdad I got some of it wrong. It turns out that he was meeting (at the time) with some NYC reporters for a background (i.e. off the record) statement, and had purposefully sought out a more private location in the mess hall.

For some perspective on this, check out Michelle Malkin's post on how this developed, and how even though the particular instance was wrongly-reported, the gist of the point (that Kerry is shunned by troops) is very much correct. But I'm not going to hit that point too hard in this post because the fact I got the subject wrong deserves an apology.


(Hey, if I were the
New York Times, you'd be reading this retraction on page Z1483, below the fold, in 1.5 point font, instead of right below the masthead. So back off!)

Update: Cold Fury has a reaction, too. More perspective.

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