
Monday, February 19, 2007

Somebody Explain to Me Why Egypt Still Ranks High On Our Aid List

Oh, that's right. They're a Muslim country, and this is the Bush Administration. What was I thinking?

Sadly, Abdul Kareem Nabeel Suleiman's family has denounced him for insulting Islam, Egypt and the fucking Easter Bunny - or something like that. Michelle Malkin details the info better than I'm going to bother with - not because I don't care, but because I know how hopeless it is for him to expect any kind of action from Bush's State Department.

Point of perspective here: how loudly would conservatives and Republicans be screaming were it not Bush, but instead Clinton, who had his FBI intentionally ignore domestic Islamist terrorism, and be so completely in bed with with Arab Islamist regimes?

I'm really done with supporting people with the surname Bush. I honestly hope Jeb doesn't run because I'd choke on my intestines were I forced to punch a hole in my ballot with that damn name one more friggin time. I'd vote for Jeb over any of the running (dog) Democrats... I'd even vote for GW or GHW over any of them (and then promptly slice off my right hand). But where do we find a true warfighter? Where do we find somebody who is not beholding to some Arab Emirate? Where do we go to find somebody who is willing to fight the entrenched interests of the US State Department and Central Intelligence Agency - both of which have been captured by the weak-kneed Left? Who will struggle against a decrepit and degenerate Europe?

Right now I'm thinking Rudy. As much as I disagree with him on so very many things. At least one thing about him I do know: because of his personal experiences I know he does not forget the nature of the enemy we face. I get the feeling from him that in those quiet moments of reflection, when a choice has to be made, what will come before his eyes again - an unbidden but irresistible memory - will be that 90 minutes when he personally watched buildings fall and people smashed on sidewalks.

al-Qaeda is rebuilding. Our weakness - Somalia like - in the eyes of our enemies, will bring them to us again. I certainly don't fault the average American for inviting this - most of us only have the time to skim through the daily news and what our leaders tell us. But since what our leaders have been telling us has been 90% Democrat/al-Qaeda propaganda, and only 10% Bush's paltry efforts at leadership, how could we not have come to the conclusion that Islamofascism is not a major concern?

Bush has been so weak on the subject, it looks like a damn campaign prop. Think back to the November elections. Where was the "Bear In The Woods" campaign commercial? Where were the broad strokes? The clear dividing lines?

Where was the choice presented?

Those with the most ability are burdened with the most responsibility. Bush has failed not because he was worse than other presidents, but because he could have been so much more than other presidents.

"I hear you. The rest of the world hears you. And the people who knocked these buildings down will hear from all of us soon."

Oh really.
I think this country is screwed. No candidate has the stones necessary to fix all the problems America is facing.

And while I admire Giuliani for a number of reasons, I don't think I could ever vote for him. He's pro choice, pro gay marriage (unless a conservative interviews him, then he's just for "domestic partnerships"), pro gun control, he looks terrible in drag, etc.

With democrat wingnuts essentially controlling everything right now, a liberal Republican like Giuliani might as well be Hillary Clinton. And even if Giuliani wanted to do more to destroy terrorist enemies of the United States, the Dems would stop him like they've been stopping our troops for the last four years (Bush has been stopping them, too, but I don't have nearly enough time to complain about that).

Who does that leave, though? Only candidates who have little to no shot making it to the final ballot. I like Tom Tancredo, and his strong anti-illegal immigration stance will win him a lot of votes, but I doubt it will be enough. Duncan Hunter is good, but few people know him and I think, as a true conservative, he doesn't really stand a chance.

I hate to say it, but I think we're screwed. Time to start buying guns and waiting for the world to end ... so to speak.
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