
Monday, November 29, 2004

Something Wrong With The IDF

Check this story and tell me what the f**k is going on with the Israeli Defense Force these days?!

Of all the revelations that have rocked the Israeli army over the past week, perhaps none disturbed the public so much as the video footage of soldiers forcing a Palestinian man to play his violin.
The incident was not as shocking as the recording of an Israeli officer pumping the body of a 13-year-old girl full of bullets and then saying he would have shot her even if she had been three years old.
Nor was it as nauseating as the pictures in an Israeli newspaper of ultra-orthodox soldiers mocking Palestinian corpses by impaling a man's head on a pole and sticking a cigarette in his mouth.
WHAT IS THIS?!!! I’ve been a long-time sympathizer with the struggle being faced by the IDF, and, though occasionally critical, have been generally supportive of them. Is this story a misrepresentation?

If not, and I assume it isn’t, then to read of an officer “pumping” bullets into a 13-year-old girl makes me want to puke. Or worse.

And forcing some guy to play his violin, though not totally evil, is, nonetheless, an indication of a very dangerous arrogance. I seem to remember another group of bastards ordering people to play their instruments while being detained by military forces.

And yes, I really did say that.

How distressingly unprofessional and uncivilized. Somebody needs to get a grip on these guys. The single most important and relevant advantage that the Israelis have had on their side is the moral high ground. Are they now abandoning that?

Like with our own recent Iraqi prison scandal, the response of the people of Israel will be the most telling aspect of this. What will they do? How will they punish these people?

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Thursday, November 25, 2004

Happy Thanksgiving!

I know. Again. I know! It’s been a long time since I posted.

But I gave it a rest after the election. Cleared my head, as it were. Got into a few fights elsewhere with recalcitrant Dems who either refused to believe they’d lost, or demonstrated exceptional talent with sore-looserism.

That said, I know it’s time to get back with my loyal readership (both of you – heh!).

Check this from Ann Coulter:
But Republican politicians simply can't grasp that they are a majority party and the Democrats are going the way of the Whigs.
Now, I don’t remember if I said it here (shamefully, I may not have), but I have to tell you that I’ve been saying this for about three years now. Not one thing in the last three years, or even the last eight, has given me to believe otherwise.

In Ann’s article, she’s trying to slap some sense into the Republicans’ heads, to get them to not only see that they’re the majority party, but to internalize it, realize it, and do something with it.

I understand completely. And I also understand the Republicans having trouble doing so.

Think of it this way: Can you imagine a world without the current Democratic Party? I don’t mean in a wistful way, daydreaming about a rational Supreme Court and liberating tort reform, but for real. A situation where the Dems have split into two parties, for example.

I’ll be honest. I can’t. Not really. The Dems are just there. Part of the landscape. Part of my mental image of the World-As-It-Is. I always have, in the back of my mind, this suspicion that they’re going to pull some rabbit out of the hat to get back on top. And I think that there is some not-unreasonable reasons for my thinking this. Take, for example, the Democrats’ current efforts (likely to be successful, by the way) to steal the Washington Governor’s election.

They’re simply willing to do things that wouldn’t even occur to most Republicans and Conservatives. Ann Coulter repeatedly makes reference to “playing fair.” And although she dismisses such concerns, or our concern about that, I think that’s important. And so do many who think like me. The problem is that many of us who have been long-term political junkies know that the Dems are not worried by such concerns. And that’s a little scary.

But, in the end, Ann’s right. We all need to get over it, and understand that we’ve not only won – we’ve been winning for some time now. And are likely to continue to do so. And things like the Dems stealing this Washington Governor’s election are only the death throes of a rotting political party. Yes, the wounded and dying animal can bite you before it dies, but it doesn’t change the fact that it’s not long for this world.

Ann also refers to our collective, and reflexive, touchiness with regard to the Mainstream Media (herein after called the MSM). She’s right in saying that we’re too afraid of whether Dan Rather is going to say nice things about us. Here, too, we need to understand, fully, that the world is a different place and we need to incorporate this changed world into our understanding of the situation in which we find ourselves.

We already saw a real-world example of this in the Swift Boat Veterans (SBVs) vs. Kerry conflagration. Bob Shrum, and other Kerry advisors, encouraged Kerry to not immediately respond because they believed that the MSM would not give the SBVs airtime to redress their grievances. And Shrum et. al. were right in that. But what they found out, much to their dismay, and our delight, was that the MSM wasn’t “all that” anymore. And we, too, need to take a lesson from that.

And here’s the thing: our own feelings of insecurity, inferiority, and vulnerability stem from a knowledge, now outdated and wrong, that the MSM would kick our ass sideways whenever they could, and would distort our message to the public, given half a chance. Sure, they still can and will do that, but it just doesn’t matter anymore. We now have the New Media: talk radio, the Internet, and cable (i.e. Fox). The New Media will be watching our backs now. When the MSM tries to lie, cheat and distort, they’re going to get called out on it. Publicly.

Therefore, we need to be more bold. More sure-footed. And more brave in what we do, and what we attempt. And we now need to stop worrying about what the “popular kids” are going to say behind our backs because we are the new “popular kids.”

We just need to start acting like it.

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Saturday, November 06, 2004

Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?

Cooler heads in the Democratic Party are urging a return to the center.

Leftist outriggers are demanding that they keep saying what they’ve been saying, but louder. And that even this election was “stolen” by Bush.

If I look into my crystal ball, I see a major internal fistfight coming.

The Left now has its hands on the controls of one of the two major American political parties. And they are not going to willingly let go. The Democratic centrists are shaking their heads in misery, saying, “See? I told you this would happen.”

I don’t see how these two camps would be able to reconcile their differences. Either one side will “win” or the other.

This was Michael Moore’s election. With his croc-umentary, his sitting next to former President Jimmy Carter at the DNC, and his swapping spit with Terry McAuliffe in Washington DC, I don’t think this election cycle could truly be called anything other than Michael Moore’s.

And that’s not the only problem the Democrats have. More than likely, in four years Iraq will no longer be a drag on the Republicans. And those who voted against Bush won’t have him to hate next time around. Whoever ends up at the Republican nominee, it isn’t likely to be someone directly associated with the Bush administration (though I’d like Condi Rice to give it a shot). And it’s quite possible that the economy will be doing well.

In short, 2008 is likely to be a less favorable environment for the Democrats then 2004 was. Some of those states that barely went for Kerry will likely go to the Republican.

The Democrats also have a distressingly shallow bench. As it stands, election addicts are predicting that Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, the single most polarizing figure in American politics, will be the Democratic nominee.

If America was unwilling to elect Jane Fonda as president, even against a vulnerable incumbent, why would they elect Fidel Castro? You know what I’m thinking right now: What are you people thinking?! Sure, she is to the right of John Kerry (and who isn’t?), but she’s Hillary. And she comes with a huge amount of baggage and history.

Personally, I’d like to avoid another round of the Rose Law Firm, Travelgate, the White House Map Room, Cattlegate, etc., etc., etc. And Hilary never had the personal charm, excellent political skills, and the confidence of her husband. Sure, he’ll be there to advise and support, but it will be her making the stump speeches and standing on stage during the debates.

Former Clinton pollster, Dick Morris, who nowadays leans to the right, is practically drooling over the prospect of HRC running. And he’s in a position to know her vulnerabilities.

So, if not HRC, who? What potential candidate could successfully gain the nomination when the party hardliners are in a Michael Moore mindset? How many “potentials” are there anyway?

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Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Arafat In Intensive Care Due To Sudden Deterioration In Health

(Looks at watch) Hurry it up already, asshat.

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An Invitation:

Michael Moore, Alec Baldwin, Barbara Streisand, George Soros, members of MoveOn.org, ACT, the Democratic Underground, Bruce Springsteen, various moonbat Hollywood actors, actresses, and in-betweeners...

Please, feel free to leave the country.

But I don't think even Canada wants you.

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Well, I know I haven’t been blogging for a while. For two weeks I was in San Diego, and the only computer I had access to was not to be used for politicking. If you know what I do, you know what I mean.

In the last few days I’ve just been taking things in, and watching. And also, Blogger.com has been down for a while. But I’m back now.

I’d like to say that this election was a nail-biter. I don’t think it really ever was. Elsewhere I predicted on Monday that President Bush (man, I love writing that!) would get 52% of the vote, with Senator Kerry getting somewhat less than 48%. That turned out to be pretty close to how it turned out.

I also predicted that President Bush would take Iowa, Florida and New Mexico, Minnesota. Senator Kerry would take New Jersey, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Michigan. Kind of a mixed bag there, I suppose.

I said that that the President would get 285 electoral votes. I think he’s going to wind up with 286. Still waiting for Fox to call New Mexico and Iowa. But USA Today has called New Mexico for the President, and Iowa is leaning that direction.


That said, wow! Was that exciting or what?! I’m absolutely giddy about this extremely strong Republican victory. And every few minutes I get a sudden realization of what this means.

Our foreign policy will remain steadfast and strong. We did not pull a “Spain” and betray our troops in the field, and our children at home.

Our domestic policy will continue on a rational path. Michael Moore will not be appointing judges to the Federal courts, including the Supreme Court.

George Soros, MoveOn.org, Americans Coming Together, and the Professional Protestor Pukes will not be crafting US law.

Former President Carter can now shut the hell up, please.

I’ve made the decision to keep the Gloat Factor to a minimum, but I do have to point out to my Democratic friends that the American people have spoken. They’ve done so clearly and convincingly (thank God). The battle is over, and it’s time to pick up the wreckage of the Democratic Party and do a serious re-evaluation of methods and goals.

Again, “what were you thinking?” You decided to go nuclear with this campaign. You took the Howard Dean path, and ended up right at the same spot you would have if Dean had been your nominee. I think you should have stuck with him in the first place because you ended up with exactly the same rhetoric, but coming from a candidate who was deeply flawed.

I just heard Bob Beckel on Fox, and he’s still firing away with his caustic hyperbole. Did he not get the memo? Are you Democrats going to continue with Fahrenheit 9/11-style politics? If you do, what do you think the American people are going to do with you?

You called our President a liar, a thug, a murderer, a thief, a warmonger, a butcher, and numerous other things you refused to call Saddam Hussein and Osama bin-Laden.

You have received the Mother of All Wake-Up Calls. You’d better pay attention to it.

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